Women With Balls

A film made by Fatima’s Women’s Education Group.

Based on the stories and history of Fatima Mansions from 1949 to the mid


The group engaged in process call Dig Where You Stand, which was a framework designed and used by the Labour History Museum to gather the stories of women employed in the labour force in the early part century.

A wide variety of women from all ages participated and from this process.

The stories were ones of great hardships coming from the Tenements to the hope of a new beginning in the Fatima Mansions- finally families had their own toilet and owned their front door.

One of the stories was of a women’s football team in 1970’s who struggle to get jerseys, football boots and someone to mind the kids.

The women wanted the freedom of doing something for themselves.

Women with Balls is a short fun film loosely based on this story.

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