Our Partners
St. Andrew’s Community Centre
Located on 468 South Circular Road, St. Andrew’s accommodates important service projects and a variety of meeting rooms managed by Rialto Development Association. www.standrewsrialto.ie
Fatima Groups United
Located in the F2 Centre, Reuben Plaza (near the Fatima Luas stop), Fatima Groups United is a family resource centre supporting the local community through health, education & creative programmes, family support, community creche & community employment. www.fgu.ie
Dolphin House Community Centre
Located in Dolphin House Flat Complex, Dolphin House Community Centre is home to several different activities for all ages, from cradle to elderly.
Dublin City Council
Dublin City Council Arts Office is part of the organising group for this festival and funding received has ensured that this festival has happened.
The City of Dublin (CDETB) Adult Education Service work with local communities providing adult education classes in local community centres. Many of the groups presenting at the festival arose from the classes supported by the CDETB.